Australian Facetors' Guild Limited

Facetors Group Meetings

  • 21 Mar 2020 5:43 PM
    Message # 8846492

    Hi All,

    Since the announcement that the Gemboree has cancelled we have seen a number of gemshows in SE Qld cancelled in the foreseeable future.  The reports from last weekend's Caboolture Gemshow was that attendances were way down due to the Corona Virus.  

    I e-mailed the question of whether we should cancel out April meeting to the members of the Moreton Bay Facetors' Group (of which I am a member).  The result was cancel meeting = 18 / hold meeting = 0.  Given the press in the last 24 hours I think we made a wise choice as many of our members are in high risk categories.  

    Right now we are contemplating also cancelling our June and August meetings and pushing the presentations and training to be held at those meetings to next year.

    Are any other Facetors' Groups considering the same action?


    Gordon Perkins

    Last modified: 21 Mar 2020 5:45 PM | Anonymous member
  • 22 Mar 2020 11:07 AM
    Reply # 8847548 on 8846492
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Sydney Faceting Group is also closed till further notice as the club rooms we use are closed.

  • 22 Mar 2020 11:25 AM
    Reply # 8847556 on 8846492

    The Hunter Valley Facetors Group has also suspended all activities until June at this stage.

  • 24 Mar 2020 7:10 AM
    Reply # 8850590 on 8846492

    Hi All

    Please be advised that the Adelaide Facet Group have cancelled all meetings and activities in line with the Covid guidelines until further notice.

    John Sellars

    Chairman Adelaide Group

  • 02 Apr 2020 1:54 PM
    Reply # 8873672 on 8846492
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Northern Rivers were not due for another gathering until June, but everything will be kept in abeyance until the rules change, when we will come up with a new schedule. In the mean time I would love people to suggest future topics that will be of interest to all members, to give time to prepare for the grand restart.

  • 21 Apr 2020 7:36 AM
    Reply # 8912441 on 8846492

    Have any groups tried holding meetings via video conference? 

    Last Friday we tried an open video conference happy hour with work where we logged into a Zoom session for a chat, it was OK, but needed a bit of setting up.

    Android phones have Google's Duo program preloaded.  I testedit in a video conference with my wife and our daughter who has an iPhone.  It worked better than facebook messenger and didnt need any setup other than an sms to my daughter do she could initially establish  a link.  A one off event, now I can call whenever I like.

    Duo seems simple, but members beed to be dialed by the person convening the meeting.

    Zoom in the other hand allows participants to log into a session at will once they have been sent the session ID and password by the convenor.  This requires a little more setup.

    Happy Faceting

    Gordon Perkins 

  • 22 Apr 2020 9:32 AM
    Reply # 8920297 on 8846492
    Deleted user

    This link which goes to a Gadget Guy newsletter should be read by anyone intending to or being advised to buy into "Zoom":

    Quoting - " The Zoom CEO has responded to allegations, sorry proven truths, of Zoom’s serious security breaches affecting people working from home. But do we believe him, or is he just buying time?

    Our U.S. correspondent and security analyst Sam Bocetta has analysed the situation. He believes Zoom’s serious security breaches are not only cause for concern – you should ditch it now."

  • 22 Apr 2020 7:06 PM
    Reply # 8920890 on 8846492

    gold Coast group have cancelled all meetings as from 3/4/20 until further notice

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