Australian Facetors' Guild Limited


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  • 20 Sep 2018 11:28 AM
    Message # 6677533
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    I think this going to, as one would say "put a cat among the pigeon's." This is not a gripe in anyway, just total confusion and bewilderment. I   must be reading the rules wrong.

    So before I start, can I point this out. If a cutter cuts and enters a stone in a open division say level 3 and I quote : LEVEL 3: A competition for which entries are actively solicited from TWO or More States and /or from overseas, eg GEMKHANA. National and International Competitions.  So there is going to be some very good level 3 or 4 cutters competing in OPEN, right? 

    So are you are you still with me? Good, now this cutters stone is judged by a qualified judge that is cleared to judge levels 3 and in most cases level 4, competition's. So far so good. Now the stone was judged with a score of 99.6 "Wow" Very good cutting one would think, yes? Ok the same cutter wins overall champion cutter also. Please keep in mind these stones have been judged by level 3-4 judges. 

    So here comes my total confusion with the rules.

    Now this Facetor, after winning this prestige competition, is reduced to a level 4 competition Novice cutter? and can enter any Level 4 competition as a "NOVICE" cutter?  Hey, what did I just say? NO WAY!! This does not make sense, what difference is there between level 3 and level 4? The cutter just scored 99.6  and overall champion.

    AFALCA Rules: D11 Groups 8-9-10-11 are judged accordingly for each section and the same rules apply for levels 1,2,3 & 4. Yep that sounds right.

    Question now is; How does a 99.6 OPEN cutter become a Novice level 4 cutter??????  Can any body answer this question please. 

    Are the skills required to cut in a level 4 competition higher or the competition cutting instructions harder. NO 

    So how does the 99.6 cutter become an Novice level 4 competitor????


  • 21 Sep 2018 7:25 AM
    Reply # 6685218 on 6677533

    Hi Ed,

    There is only 1 level 4 comp in the world, Gemboree.  Maybe L4 should be redefined as with L3.  Many clubs call their comps L2 but with the internet, their show schedules are advertised to the world and the rules don't restrict entries from interstate in L2, they are based on where the schedule is advertised.  

    I would support a restriction on eligibility for comps to be called L3 or L2 with a rider that the people outside the relevant zone to be eligible be members of the relevant club or clubs to cater for members who live outside the relevant zone.

    A self respecting cutter of that calibre should feel it beneath them to enter as open, but if entering L4 as  novice will win and be kicked up a level next year.

    The same argument goes for international facetors, eg a USFG Master cutter entering an Aust comp for the 1st time.  We have no way of checking this.  

    A scores based system is more complex as the qualiy of the judges varies especially in non faceting groups where subjective judging features apply.  Even the same judge can give different results from day to day.  We have an example of a 20% variance in score from the same silverwork judge between 2 L2 competitions. 

    A points based system would need to average several scores to reduce the effect if variances between judges.



  • 21 Sep 2018 10:07 AM
    Reply # 6685401 on 6677533
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thank you for your input, but I think you missed the point I was trying to raise.

    Please forget about the judges and the cutters Integrity, for the moment and note some people have no integrity.

    Let’s look at the Ruling: B4.4 and I will summarise hear.

    On wining 1St place in a open level 3 Division they MUST enter Open in level 2 or 3 but may entre Novice or higher for level 4 when next interning any Section in that Group.

    Now this is where my point is, there is NO difference in the two levels being 3 and 4, eg cutting skills, and the degree of difficulty in the designs to be cut. So why is the cutter offeredin the first place to go to a Novice level??? So the cutter is deemed by AFLACA to not have the skills required to compete fairly in a level 4 competition. Why? It does not make any sense, the cutter should automatically be place in Open in Level 4 it does not matter about the cutters score.

    I used the cutters score of 99.6 to show, if any cutter has the ability to cut a stone and win in a level 3 competition. They have the skill and knowledge to win any level 4 competition. ????  

    Also I like to point out Rule B5.2 :

    Each entry is NOT judge against its Competitors, but is assessed against an established standard and the resulting score is a measurement of EXCELLECE achieved or how nearly it reaches the standard.

    So is the standard of level 4 higher than level 3 ?????

    I not think so or am I misunderstanding the rules help please

  • 21 Sep 2018 5:59 PM
    Reply # 6685722 on 6677533

    Hi Ed,

    I know what you are driving at, but the issue is what can be done about the anomaly.  The reality is that for groups other than groups 8 to 11, the Gemboree comp is probably the only comp above a club level comp available.

    I think the issue is that the world has moved on and the rules need updating.  The problem is how can we make the rules fair and have their spirit followed.



  • 22 Sep 2018 9:02 AM
    Reply # 6686807 on 6677533
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    well put Gordon

    yes the rules are way over due for upgrading 

    But I would not hold you breath for this to happen, maybe if club members all over Australia would ask there AFALACA delegates to have something done

  • 22 Sep 2018 5:06 PM
    Reply # 6687151 on 6677533

    I agree with Gordon and Ed.  We do need to be enlightened!  Faceting is a World craft and as such we accept entries from Interstate and International facetors.  

    I won Open in Level 3 in 5 sections in AFG competitions way back in the 80s.  I have never entered a Gemboree and do not intend to in the near future as I feel I have excelled in faceting at the Guild Level.  I have designed and cut many investment gemstones to a high standard and consider myself a Master Facetor (Cutter). 

    Often the same judges (trained by the AFG) are used for Gemboree Faceting Sections as well as the AFG Competitions.  I also think the Level 3/4 should be the SAME! 

    In my opinion the AFG Competition and the International Faceting Competition (IFC) are at the pinnacle for competition in faceting.     

  • 24 Sep 2018 5:51 PM
    Reply # 6689305 on 6677533


    I couldn't agree more except the difference between Levels 3 and 4 should be whether the comp is open to international entrants or not.  

    If we have a way of checking with international committees, eg the USFG, eligibility should also classify entrants according to their wins offshore.  This could ultimately make it fairer if prizes are at stake.



  • 27 Sep 2018 4:33 PM
    Reply # 6694814 on 6677533

    I'd like to see that any gem entered in any competition is laser etched with the current year when it gets submitted, as no gem should  ever be submitted twice in a row ever! Anyone who re-submits a high scoring gem twice is a CHEAT. I hope governing bodies like AFLACA introduce this on ALL gems entered in competitions. Most people are honest, but a small percentage ARE NOT. Don't worry about AFLACA examining the rules, it's best they examine the entrant and the gem! Then the rules can be challenged and altered later on.  

    There is no need for smart remarks  that has been removed Webmaster

    Last modified: 28 Sep 2018 8:29 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
  • 27 Sep 2018 6:59 PM
    Reply # 6694933 on 6677533
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The changes in material and/or cut should already take care of that. Beyond that you just need to have some trust in your fellow man. The requirement for laser etching would be costly, time consuming and constitutes damage to someone else's stone.

  • 28 Sep 2018 7:30 AM
    Reply # 6695857 on 6677533

    I don't see the point in resubmitting a faceted stone unless you want to benchmark the quality of the judges because of variations in style, or you missed removing some foreign material the first time around.

    Once a stone wins it can't be re-entered.  In novice and intermediate the entrant is bumped to the next level of competition.  In open the cuts keep changing.

    It us easier to recut asfaceted stone than redop and repolish it.  The same can't  be said for a cab, so you see entrants take a judges comments to heart and try to improve their cab. In the process they learn something.  Once reworked it is a different stone.  Why should it be excluded.



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