Australian Facetors' Guild Limited

Long Diamond design Facet Talk 247

  • 12 May 2023 3:58 PM
    Message # 13200416

    I'm wanting to cut the design Long Diamond by Ian Baxter and adjusted by Henk Prins, however in the diagram there is a reference to facet "B" on the crown but there is no index or angle listed as "B".

    Can someone please provide the information for facet "B" so that I may be able to enter it in GCS and cut the gem?  I'm cutting the stone for a men's ring as an anniversary gift that is fast approaching.

    Thanks in advance

    Glenn Wood

  • 12 May 2023 5:42 PM
    Reply # 13200478 on 13200416

    G'day Glenn, try cutting that corner facet at the same angle as the long facet A. It doesn't make much of a change to the overall design, just levels out the girdle. I've done a GemCad drawing for you with facet B labelled and a slight change to the cutting sequence.

    Its in pdf as Gem file won't attach.



    1 file
    Last modified: 13 May 2023 10:44 AM | Anonymous member
  • 12 May 2023 9:02 PM
    Reply # 13200505 on 13200416

    Thanks so much Paul, I really appreciate it.  Hope to try to post a photo of the completed project if I can get a good shot.

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