Australian Facetors' Guild Limited

Cleaning g gemstones

  • 01 Feb 2023 5:50 AM
    Message # 13079832

    Hi everyone. My question is. Is there anything other than metho to clean the oil of stones as you cut them? I am getting an allergy to it and it is to uncomfortable to wear gloves. I will be grateful for any advice.

  • 02 Feb 2023 7:08 AM
    Reply # 13081403 on 13079832

     I use hand wash first to clean the stone and hands. That soluble oil gets into your skin and takes some getting off. Then I wipe the stone with metho on a tissue paper before dopping, so only my fingertips get metho on them.

  • 02 Feb 2023 8:15 AM
    Reply # 13081486 on 13079832

    I use small pieces of chamois (50mm x 50mm) and dampened. For the final polish stage, I switch to tissue or toilet paper. I find the cheaper brands, Black and Gold for example, produce little or no paper dust which is advantageous. Cut pieces of chamois are kept in a sealed container to avoid contamination as is the "in use" piece.  As it dries out during use just spray with water and squeeze dry as necessary. Maybe more likely the oil that is causing your allergy. What oil do you use? I use paraffin oil which in Australia is an edible mineral oil used in many applications. Note that the term paraffin in some countries means kerosene. If you can purchase baby oil without the additives it is basically the same product.

  • 04 Feb 2023 6:03 AM
    Reply # 13084106 on 13079832

    I use the snake oil from aussie sapphires. I will try baby oil and I use black and gold tissues.

  • 05 Feb 2023 5:44 AM
    Reply # 13085096 on 13079832
    Deleted user

    Tung Oil, Carnauba Wax Polish, Acetone, all work for me using chamois, old t shirt squares or makeup removal pads, all work for me.

  • 05 Feb 2023 7:48 AM
    Reply # 13085147 on 13079832

    I take it this is a preform you want cleaned ready for dopping. So, you want all traces of cutting oil off the stone. For decades I've used bathroom hand detergent to clean my hands and stone, then metho on the area to be glued to the dop. Dead simple and works perfectly.

  • 05 Feb 2023 10:34 AM
    Reply # 13085214 on 13079832
    Deleted user

    Tung Oil, Carnauba Wax Polish, Acetone, all work for me using chamois, old t shirt squares or makeup removal pads, all work for me.

  • 06 Feb 2023 5:30 AM
    Reply # 13085805 on 13079832

    Thanks everyone. I have started using baby oil and no irritation so it must have been the oil. Thanks again for the help.

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