Does anyone know where I could purchase an oval cam for my Gemmasta GF4 please?
Wendy depending on the length to width of the stone will show what cam you need. Gemmasta cams were made with the difference between length and width. i.e. a cam marked 2 would preform a stone with a difference of 2mm a 10x8, 22x20. A cam marked 3 will cut 10x7,18x15 and so on.
Thank you Jack. Regards Wendy
I do know that Matt Young at VJ Faceting Machines is doing a lot of work machining parts for Gemmasta machines. You could look him up and talk to him via phone.
The cams are not related to the Gemmasta model - the preformer unit can be used on any model - it simply is mounted on the mast, instead of the actual faceting head.
Gemcuts own Gemmasta now, but I don't know if they have preformer cams.
Re cams
The only exception to the last reply is that only Hall cams can be used on a Hall pre former as this unit is a variable ratio cam i.e. for the oval cam the cam follower position is varied to change the size of the stone. It must be noted that Hall cams are "skinnier" than Gemmasta cams so a cut that suits say the Gemmasta unit will produce a "fatter" cut i.e. the intermediate mains are more prominent than those cut from a Hall unit. The Hall oval cam has a ratio of 0.666 to 1, so if you have say a stone that will clean up at 10mm on the long axis the width will be: 10 x 0.666 = 6.66 wide. We are not going to work to 2 decimal places so call it 6.7mm. The Hall variable ratio preformer had cams for oval, pendeloque, marquis, tripolar and pear shapes.
Have a look at FOR Sale set of cams for sale
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