Australian Facetors' Guild Limited

Previous 2018 Facet Talk publications

  • 17 Oct 2019 12:53 AM
    Message # 7993384

    As relatively new member to the guild, (only have been a member for the past few months), is there anyway to access the 2018 Facet Talk issues, prior to them being deleted at the end of 2019.

    I have found the past issues of Facet Talk not only interesting, but full of facts & tips that have aided me in my faceting adventures along with many great designs that we've not had access to here in the US.

    I've made it a personal challenge to get and keep articles on faceting from the USFG of the great faceters who have passed, so it's not lost to history and would like to do with the articles that have been published in the past issues of Facet Talk.  


    Glenn Wood

  • 17 Oct 2019 7:30 AM
    Reply # 8041108 on 7993384

    Hi Glenn,

    If you are logged in as a member  you can currently view and download copies of Facet Talk from the current edition back to FT215 (May - June 2017).  Those back issues are below the current FT shown on the Facet Talk psge.

    I would expect the back issues are/will be included in the memory stick of back issues to FT154 sold by the guild.

    I like your comment regarding keeping copies of articles from the USFG.  I recon a good retirement project would be to collate them and articles in FT into a book, but that would require copyright to be dealt with.  It might be better to start now so permission from individual authors can be obtained before they die.

    So far I have only created a list of articles in FT relevant to gemstone design.  It is a little like trawling the internet as there is little empirical evidence to back up the claims made in the articles.  But many if them make common sense, for example, lower crown angles help lighten highly saturated stones because there is less material for the light to travel through.  It is why I like Gem Cut Studio and the Gemcad/Gemray suite, they provide data on the performance of designs that allows a scientific approach to evaluating designs.



  • 18 Oct 2019 1:00 AM
    Reply # 8061628 on 7993384

    Thank you Gordon for quick reply.

    I just checked my document file and found that I do have all issues from 215 to the present. 

    I'm definitely interested in the memory stick idea. 

    I realize it's a lot of work to produce them, having worked on that for another organization and duplicating CD's for members. 

    Hope there will be an announcement when they are available because I definitely want to purchase one.



  • 19 Oct 2019 6:17 AM
    Reply # 8064770 on 7993384
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The New Facet Talk USB will be ready early next year

    Hope this helps



  • 20 Oct 2019 10:08 AM
    Reply # 8066513 on 7993384


    Thanks for letting us know about the USB stick.  

    Will it be available to be shipped to the US?



  • 21 Oct 2019 6:57 AM
    Reply # 8068132 on 7993384
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    That is up to the supplies officer, I would think so as long as you pay the extra postage for over seas.

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