Hi Gals and Guys. It would seem that there is a problem with Facebook that is giving you problems when you are trying to find the page.
The name of the page is Australian Facetor's Guild.
Please note The Capitals for the name and the apostrophe in Facetor's.
I hope that this helps you all get on to the page. I will see if we can get a link put up from our website to the page but that may take a couple of weeks.
Hi Reg.
i have noticed that the group is marked as “hidden” and thus “ only members can find the group”.
Hi All I have made the page unhidden so if you do a search on FB you should now be able to find it. Let me know if you are still having problems. Cheers
Success! Well done Reg.
Thanks Reg,
I have now been able to join.
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