Australian Facetors' Guild Limited

material question

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  • 08 Jan 2019 2:19 AM
    Reply # 6987463 on 6978681

    This has just got very back and forth and round and round, so my understandings from the amendment on the home page is that I can cut it in coloured CZ but have quartz angles. Easiest way is not to bother cutting it at all 

  • 08 Jan 2019 7:00 AM
    Reply # 6987881 on 6985140
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Anonymous wrote:
    Bruce Copper wrote:

    The fact still remains that the schedule still calls for synthetic quartz in the novice section referred to. Why not just quartz?

    Bruce the schedule was corrected some 3 months ago and placed on the web site...…..

    Ed. The correction was noted for the intermediate class referred to, but if you download the pdf it still shows the original mistake!   Very confusing for potential competitors.

    My other comment was about the novice class - that one was not a mistake and therefore not corrected. My comment was that it was a silly choice in the first place to specify synthetic, when you are talking about a relatively cheap material like quartz.

  • 09 Jan 2019 6:57 AM
    Reply # 6989653 on 6978681

    Hi Bruce S

    The I.10.3 stone diagram has an RI of 2.16 (cz), so the angles should be for it.

    If you have Gemcad or Gem Cut Studio, you can optimise the angles to your liking and material.  Eg if using light coloured cz, you can optimise for a deep crown and pavillion to maximise dispersion and  maximise weight, if using dark material, shallower angles will give a better light return.



  • 10 Jan 2019 12:57 AM
    Reply # 6990852 on 6978681

    All good Gordon, the cut in question was in the novice section but all is well I am going to cut it in what ever material I choose and transpose to suit as not going to do it for the comp anymore, I am thinking a nice piece of Sunstone with a splash of colour in the base of the cutlet 

  • 11 Jan 2019 7:23 AM
    Reply # 6994064 on 6978681

    Hi Bruce, sounds like it will be a nice stone.  Regards


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